[Image description: Sunset silhouetting trees above the Willamette River, with the Minto-Brown bridge spanning across the area.]
American Sign Language (ASL) is the primary language of many Deaf Americans, whether or not they are additionally fluent in English, Spanish, Lengua de Señas Mexicana, or another language. Communication between Deaf and hearing folks may be supported by the presence of an interpreter who can render the English message into ASL, and vice versa. Interpreters will often work together in pairs to ensure accuracy and reduce strain. Deaf interpreters are experts in rendering ASL into a better fit for a specific Deaf client because of their native knowledge of the language or knowledge of multiple signed languages.
Think about taking a trip abroad and your interpreter has a heavy British accent and says something about "the football trousers in your boot" and you're thinking about "the soccer pants in your trunk".
[Video description: An ASL interpretation of the Industry Resources text to the left. A Caucasian woman with brown hair, wearing a black jacket over a purple shirt.

WSLIS is committed to providing qualified, professional interpreters based on the needs of the specific setting. Interpreters are skilled in a range of areas and WSLIS can provide interpreters suited especially to the job request, including Pro-Tactile interpreters and Deaf interpreters.
[Video description: An ASL interpretation of the Language and Communication text to the left. Julie Reis, a white woman with light brown hair, glasses, and a black cardigan over a grey shirt.]

WSLIS interpreters work in a variety of settings, with a varied range of clientele. Essentially, interpreters work wherever there is a need for effective communication between parties who do not share the same language. We offer on-site and remote interpreting via Video Remote Interpreting (VRI). Some of these settings include:
Theatrical/Musical Events
Court/Legal Settings
Medical Appointments
Religious Services
Educational Settings
[Video description: An ASL interpretation of the Services & Settings text to the left. Ben Cavaletto, a white male with dark buzzed hair and stubble, wearing a purple shirt.]